Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

Wydział Biotechnologii i Hodowli Zwierząt - Biotechnology (S2)
specjalność: Biotechnology in Animal Production and Environmental Protection

Efekty uczenia się:

KODKompetencje społeczne
BTap_2A_K01demonstrates the need to constantly improve general and directional knowledge; is aware of the purposefulness of raising the acquired knowledge both in professional activities and personal development
BTap_2A_K02demonstrates understanding of biotechnological processes used in various areas of human activity; interprets and describes these processes using a scientific approach
BTap_2A_K03is aware of the impact of biotechnology on the shaping and condition of the natural environment and human health
BTap_2A_K04is aware of the ethical and social standards related to the carried out research and professional activities; understands the desirability of proceeding in accordance with the established ethical and legal principles
BTap_2A_K05shows discipline in individual work; willing to participate in group work; can creatively plan and implement own and team activities
BTap_2A_K06demonstrates responsibility for the decisions made and their consequences; presents a substantive and critical attitude
BTap_2A_K07understands the desirability of stimulating individual cognitive activity and raising professional competences; demonstrates independence in acquiring scientific information from various sources
BTap_2A_K08is aware of the shared responsibility for security in own and others work; can think and act in an entrepreneurial way