Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

Wydział Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej - Materials Science and Engineering (S1)

Sylabus przedmiotu Physics of Materials:

Informacje podstawowe

Kierunek studiów Materials Science and Engineering
Forma studiów studia stacjonarne Poziom pierwszego stopnia
Tytuł zawodowy absolwenta inżynier
Obszary studiów charakterystyki PRK, kompetencje inżynierskie PRK
Profil ogólnoakademicki
Przedmiot Physics of Materials
Specjalność przedmiot wspólny
Jednostka prowadząca Katedra Fizykochemii Nanomateriałów
Nauczyciel odpowiedzialny Ewa Mijowska <>
Inni nauczyciele Krzysztof Lubkowski <>, Ewa Mijowska <>, Anna Szymczyk <>, Rafał Wróbel <>
ECTS (planowane) 12,0 ECTS (formy) 12,0
Forma zaliczenia egzamin Język angielski
Blok obieralny Grupa obieralna

Formy dydaktyczne

Forma dydaktycznaKODSemestrGodzinyECTSWagaZaliczenie
laboratoriaL1 30 3,00,30zaliczenie
wykładyW1 45 5,00,40egzamin
ćwiczenia audytoryjneA1 45 4,00,30zaliczenie

Wymagania wstępne

KODWymaganie wstępne
W-1Knowledge of the basic course in mathematics and physics at the elementary level

Cele przedmiotu

KODCel modułu/przedmiotu
C-1The students will gain knowledge in the area of fundamental phiscics and skills to explore fundamental properties of materials

Treści programowe z podziałem na formy zajęć

KODTreść programowaGodziny
ćwiczenia audytoryjne
T-A-1Heat (determination of Debye temperature and specific heat capacity; application of Fourier’s law in determination of heat conduction; use of Stefan’s law and Wien’s law in the calculation of heat radiation)5
T-A-2Thermodynamics (calculations related to I and II laws of thermodynamics; efficiency of an engine; determination of coefficients of performance for heat pumps and refrigerators)4
T-A-3Temperature (expressing temperature in different scales, calculation of thermal expansion of solids and liquids)5
T-A-4Determination of structure factor2
T-A-5Computer modelling of x-ray diffraction patter in Powdercell software2
T-A-6Calculation of band gap basing on experimental data, discussion4
T-A-7Defects in solid materials – case stydy based on carbon materials – Raman data analysis5
T-A-8Physical meaning of quantum numbers - analysis5
T-A-9Analysis of atomic spectrum and role of X-ray diffraction5
T-A-10Analysis of molecular specrum5
T-A-11summary and test3
T-L-1X-rays diffraction in characterization of materials5
T-L-2Determination of Miller indices of reflexions of copper and iron5
T-L-3Determination of crystallographic structure type and lattice constant by X-ray diffraction5
T-L-4Study of hallotron characteristics3
T-L-5Determination of the Earth's magnetic field3
T-L-6Measurements of the dependence of magnetic permeability of ferromagnets on temperature4
T-L-7Denbsity of solide state laboratory work5
T-W-1Temperature (temperature and thermal equilibrium, temperature scales, thermal expansion of solids and liquids, Debye model of solids, Debye temperature, diffusion)5
T-W-2Heat (internal energy, heat capacity and specific heat, phase transitions, thermal conduction, thermal convection, thermal radiation, phonos, heat transport in metals and isolators, calorimetry)5
T-W-3Thermodynamics (laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamics functions, heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps)4
T-W-4Difference between amorphous, semi-crystalline and crystalline solids, packing in crystalline solids3
T-W-5Transport properties: microscopic model of electrical conductivity, Fermi Energy, Bloch model of electrons, Semiconductors4
T-W-6Electronic structure, fluorescence: atom model, band structure semiconductors, electron orbitals, electron transitions, fluorescence and spectrometer3
T-W-7Optical band gap, electron doping, spectrophotometry4
T-W-8Condensed matter structure: Symmetry; crystallographic structure types; Bragg’s equation; diffraction2
T-W-9X-ray radiation; Powder X-ray diffractometer – working principles2
T-W-10Electric field and electrical conductivity: Electric charges and fields; Conductors, semiconductors, insulators.2
T-W-11Direct current and resistance: Electrical current lows; Resistivity and resistance and dependence and its dependence on temperature1
T-W-12Hall effect and magnetoresistance: Magnetic field and its sources; Electromagnetic phenomena, Hall effect, magnetoresistance; methods to measure the magnetic properties2
T-W-13Atomic nucleus, isotopes; - The phenomenon of nuclear precession in a magnetic field, Larmor precession; - Quantum and classical description of nuclear magnetic resonance; - Chemical shift, spin echo and relaxation times; - Characteristics of electromagnet; Experimental basics of NMR spectroscopy2
T-W-14Magnetic susceptibility: Magnetic quantities and units, Curie–Weiss law, Ferro- and antiferro-magnetism2
T-W-15Participation in the zero-term exam4

Obciążenie pracą studenta - formy aktywności

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
ćwiczenia audytoryjne
A-A-1Participation in recitations45
A-A-2preparing for tests45
A-A-3Preparation for recitations30
A-L-1participation in laboratory exercises30
A-L-2preparation for laboratory exercises15
A-L-3preparation of reports15
A-L-4Preparing for tests30
A-W-1participation in lectures45
A-W-2Individual literature studies45
A-W-3preparing for the exam60
A-W-4Final exam1

Metody nauczania / narzędzia dydaktyczne

KODMetoda nauczania / narzędzie dydaktyczne
M-1lectures with presentation
M-2subject discussion during lectures, auditorium excercises and laboratories
M-3self studies

Sposoby oceny

KODSposób oceny
S-1Ocena podsumowująca: written exam
S-2Ocena formująca: written completion of exercises and laboratories
S-3Ocena formująca: laboratory reports
S-4Ocena formująca: student activity during auditory excercise and laboratories

Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - wiedza

Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięOdniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówOdniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształceniaOdniesienie do efektów uczenia się prowadzących do uzyskania tytułu zawodowego inżynieraCel przedmiotuTreści programoweMetody nauczaniaSposób oceny
basic physics knowledge useful to a materials science and engineer
MSE_1A_W02C-1T-W-8, T-W-6, T-W-11, T-W-2, T-W-9, T-W-7, T-W-5, T-W-3, T-W-10, T-W-4, T-W-12, T-W-13, T-W-1, T-W-14M-1S-1

Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - umiejętności

Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięOdniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówOdniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształceniaOdniesienie do efektów uczenia się prowadzących do uzyskania tytułu zawodowego inżynieraCel przedmiotuTreści programoweMetody nauczaniaSposób oceny
skills to explore the fundamental properties of materials
MSE_1A_U03C-1T-A-4, T-A-2, T-A-10, T-A-6, T-A-5, T-L-7, T-A-3, T-A-7, T-L-3, T-L-6, T-A-9, T-L-4, T-A-1, T-L-2, T-L-5, T-L-1, T-A-8M-2, M-3S-2, S-4, S-3

Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - inne kompetencje społeczne i personalne

Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięOdniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówOdniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształceniaOdniesienie do efektów uczenia się prowadzących do uzyskania tytułu zawodowego inżynieraCel przedmiotuTreści programoweMetody nauczaniaSposób oceny
Is aware of the need of further study and systematic work.
MSE_1A_K02C-1T-W-5, T-L-5, T-L-7, T-L-2, T-A-10, T-L-4, T-W-10, T-A-11, T-W-11, T-W-6, T-W-15, T-A-1, T-A-5, T-W-9, T-W-7, T-W-12, T-W-3, T-A-9, T-A-7, T-W-14, T-W-2, T-W-8, T-A-2, T-L-3, T-A-3, T-W-13, T-A-6, T-W-1, T-L-6, T-L-1, T-W-4, T-A-4, T-A-8M-1, M-2S-3, S-1

Kryterium oceny - wiedza

Efekt uczenia sięOcenaKryterium oceny
basic physics knowledge useful to a materials science and engineer
3,0from 50 to 55% of percentage points

Kryterium oceny - umiejętności

Efekt uczenia sięOcenaKryterium oceny
skills to explore the fundamental properties of materials
3,0from 50 to 55% of percentage points

Kryterium oceny - inne kompetencje społeczne i personalne

Efekt uczenia sięOcenaKryterium oceny
Is aware of the need of further study and systematic work.
3,0from 50 to 55% of percentage points

Literatura podstawowa

  1. Peter E. J. Flewitt, Robert K. Wild, Physical Methods for Materials Characterisation, CRC Press, 2017, ISBN 9781482245233
  2. Prathap Haridoss, Physics of Materials: Essential Concepts of Solid-State Physics, Wiley, 2015, ISBN: 9788126557875
  3. Yves Quere, Physics of Materials, CRC PRESS, 1998, ISBN 9789056991197

Treści programowe - ćwiczenia audytoryjne

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-A-1Heat (determination of Debye temperature and specific heat capacity; application of Fourier’s law in determination of heat conduction; use of Stefan’s law and Wien’s law in the calculation of heat radiation)5
T-A-2Thermodynamics (calculations related to I and II laws of thermodynamics; efficiency of an engine; determination of coefficients of performance for heat pumps and refrigerators)4
T-A-3Temperature (expressing temperature in different scales, calculation of thermal expansion of solids and liquids)5
T-A-4Determination of structure factor2
T-A-5Computer modelling of x-ray diffraction patter in Powdercell software2
T-A-6Calculation of band gap basing on experimental data, discussion4
T-A-7Defects in solid materials – case stydy based on carbon materials – Raman data analysis5
T-A-8Physical meaning of quantum numbers - analysis5
T-A-9Analysis of atomic spectrum and role of X-ray diffraction5
T-A-10Analysis of molecular specrum5
T-A-11summary and test3

Treści programowe - laboratoria

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-L-1X-rays diffraction in characterization of materials5
T-L-2Determination of Miller indices of reflexions of copper and iron5
T-L-3Determination of crystallographic structure type and lattice constant by X-ray diffraction5
T-L-4Study of hallotron characteristics3
T-L-5Determination of the Earth's magnetic field3
T-L-6Measurements of the dependence of magnetic permeability of ferromagnets on temperature4
T-L-7Denbsity of solide state laboratory work5

Treści programowe - wykłady

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-W-1Temperature (temperature and thermal equilibrium, temperature scales, thermal expansion of solids and liquids, Debye model of solids, Debye temperature, diffusion)5
T-W-2Heat (internal energy, heat capacity and specific heat, phase transitions, thermal conduction, thermal convection, thermal radiation, phonos, heat transport in metals and isolators, calorimetry)5
T-W-3Thermodynamics (laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamics functions, heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps)4
T-W-4Difference between amorphous, semi-crystalline and crystalline solids, packing in crystalline solids3
T-W-5Transport properties: microscopic model of electrical conductivity, Fermi Energy, Bloch model of electrons, Semiconductors4
T-W-6Electronic structure, fluorescence: atom model, band structure semiconductors, electron orbitals, electron transitions, fluorescence and spectrometer3
T-W-7Optical band gap, electron doping, spectrophotometry4
T-W-8Condensed matter structure: Symmetry; crystallographic structure types; Bragg’s equation; diffraction2
T-W-9X-ray radiation; Powder X-ray diffractometer – working principles2
T-W-10Electric field and electrical conductivity: Electric charges and fields; Conductors, semiconductors, insulators.2
T-W-11Direct current and resistance: Electrical current lows; Resistivity and resistance and dependence and its dependence on temperature1
T-W-12Hall effect and magnetoresistance: Magnetic field and its sources; Electromagnetic phenomena, Hall effect, magnetoresistance; methods to measure the magnetic properties2
T-W-13Atomic nucleus, isotopes; - The phenomenon of nuclear precession in a magnetic field, Larmor precession; - Quantum and classical description of nuclear magnetic resonance; - Chemical shift, spin echo and relaxation times; - Characteristics of electromagnet; Experimental basics of NMR spectroscopy2
T-W-14Magnetic susceptibility: Magnetic quantities and units, Curie–Weiss law, Ferro- and antiferro-magnetism2
T-W-15Participation in the zero-term exam4

Formy aktywności - ćwiczenia audytoryjne

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-A-1Participation in recitations45
A-A-2preparing for tests45
A-A-3Preparation for recitations30
(*) 1 punkt ECTS, odpowiada około 30 godzinom aktywności studenta

Formy aktywności - laboratoria

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-L-1participation in laboratory exercises30
A-L-2preparation for laboratory exercises15
A-L-3preparation of reports15
A-L-4Preparing for tests30
(*) 1 punkt ECTS, odpowiada około 30 godzinom aktywności studenta

Formy aktywności - wykłady

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-W-1participation in lectures45
A-W-2Individual literature studies45
A-W-3preparing for the exam60
A-W-4Final exam1
(*) 1 punkt ECTS, odpowiada około 30 godzinom aktywności studenta
PoleKODZnaczenie kodu
Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięMSE_1A_B02_W01basic physics knowledge useful to a materials science and engineer
Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówMSE_1A_W02knows selected issues from physics, basic biology and chemistry necessary to describe the properties of materials and processes accompanying their production and processing
Cel przedmiotuC-1The students will gain knowledge in the area of fundamental phiscics and skills to explore fundamental properties of materials
Treści programoweT-W-8Condensed matter structure: Symmetry; crystallographic structure types; Bragg’s equation; diffraction
T-W-6Electronic structure, fluorescence: atom model, band structure semiconductors, electron orbitals, electron transitions, fluorescence and spectrometer
T-W-11Direct current and resistance: Electrical current lows; Resistivity and resistance and dependence and its dependence on temperature
T-W-2Heat (internal energy, heat capacity and specific heat, phase transitions, thermal conduction, thermal convection, thermal radiation, phonos, heat transport in metals and isolators, calorimetry)
T-W-9X-ray radiation; Powder X-ray diffractometer – working principles
T-W-7Optical band gap, electron doping, spectrophotometry
T-W-5Transport properties: microscopic model of electrical conductivity, Fermi Energy, Bloch model of electrons, Semiconductors
T-W-3Thermodynamics (laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamics functions, heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps)
T-W-10Electric field and electrical conductivity: Electric charges and fields; Conductors, semiconductors, insulators.
T-W-4Difference between amorphous, semi-crystalline and crystalline solids, packing in crystalline solids
T-W-12Hall effect and magnetoresistance: Magnetic field and its sources; Electromagnetic phenomena, Hall effect, magnetoresistance; methods to measure the magnetic properties
T-W-13Atomic nucleus, isotopes; - The phenomenon of nuclear precession in a magnetic field, Larmor precession; - Quantum and classical description of nuclear magnetic resonance; - Chemical shift, spin echo and relaxation times; - Characteristics of electromagnet; Experimental basics of NMR spectroscopy
T-W-1Temperature (temperature and thermal equilibrium, temperature scales, thermal expansion of solids and liquids, Debye model of solids, Debye temperature, diffusion)
T-W-14Magnetic susceptibility: Magnetic quantities and units, Curie–Weiss law, Ferro- and antiferro-magnetism
Metody nauczaniaM-1lectures with presentation
Sposób ocenyS-1Ocena podsumowująca: written exam
Kryteria ocenyOcenaKryterium oceny
3,0from 50 to 55% of percentage points
PoleKODZnaczenie kodu
Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięMSE_1A_B02_U01skills to explore the fundamental properties of materials
Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówMSE_1A_U03being able to use the principles and methods of chemistry, biology, physics and materials engineering in planning and conducting experiments, is able to interpret and elaborate the results and draw conclusions
Cel przedmiotuC-1The students will gain knowledge in the area of fundamental phiscics and skills to explore fundamental properties of materials
Treści programoweT-A-4Determination of structure factor
T-A-2Thermodynamics (calculations related to I and II laws of thermodynamics; efficiency of an engine; determination of coefficients of performance for heat pumps and refrigerators)
T-A-10Analysis of molecular specrum
T-A-6Calculation of band gap basing on experimental data, discussion
T-A-5Computer modelling of x-ray diffraction patter in Powdercell software
T-L-7Denbsity of solide state laboratory work
T-A-3Temperature (expressing temperature in different scales, calculation of thermal expansion of solids and liquids)
T-A-7Defects in solid materials – case stydy based on carbon materials – Raman data analysis
T-L-3Determination of crystallographic structure type and lattice constant by X-ray diffraction
T-L-6Measurements of the dependence of magnetic permeability of ferromagnets on temperature
T-A-9Analysis of atomic spectrum and role of X-ray diffraction
T-L-4Study of hallotron characteristics
T-A-1Heat (determination of Debye temperature and specific heat capacity; application of Fourier’s law in determination of heat conduction; use of Stefan’s law and Wien’s law in the calculation of heat radiation)
T-L-2Determination of Miller indices of reflexions of copper and iron
T-L-5Determination of the Earth's magnetic field
T-L-1X-rays diffraction in characterization of materials
T-A-8Physical meaning of quantum numbers - analysis
Metody nauczaniaM-2subject discussion during lectures, auditorium excercises and laboratories
M-3self studies
Sposób ocenyS-2Ocena formująca: written completion of exercises and laboratories
S-4Ocena formująca: student activity during auditory excercise and laboratories
S-3Ocena formująca: laboratory reports
Kryteria ocenyOcenaKryterium oceny
3,0from 50 to 55% of percentage points
PoleKODZnaczenie kodu
Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięMSE_1A_B02_K01Is aware of the need of further study and systematic work.
Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówMSE_1A_K02acknowledges the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and is able to consult with experts if it is difficult to solve the problem on its own
Cel przedmiotuC-1The students will gain knowledge in the area of fundamental phiscics and skills to explore fundamental properties of materials
Treści programoweT-W-5Transport properties: microscopic model of electrical conductivity, Fermi Energy, Bloch model of electrons, Semiconductors
T-L-5Determination of the Earth's magnetic field
T-L-7Denbsity of solide state laboratory work
T-L-2Determination of Miller indices of reflexions of copper and iron
T-A-10Analysis of molecular specrum
T-L-4Study of hallotron characteristics
T-W-10Electric field and electrical conductivity: Electric charges and fields; Conductors, semiconductors, insulators.
T-A-11summary and test
T-W-11Direct current and resistance: Electrical current lows; Resistivity and resistance and dependence and its dependence on temperature
T-W-6Electronic structure, fluorescence: atom model, band structure semiconductors, electron orbitals, electron transitions, fluorescence and spectrometer
T-W-15Participation in the zero-term exam
T-A-1Heat (determination of Debye temperature and specific heat capacity; application of Fourier’s law in determination of heat conduction; use of Stefan’s law and Wien’s law in the calculation of heat radiation)
T-A-5Computer modelling of x-ray diffraction patter in Powdercell software
T-W-9X-ray radiation; Powder X-ray diffractometer – working principles
T-W-7Optical band gap, electron doping, spectrophotometry
T-W-12Hall effect and magnetoresistance: Magnetic field and its sources; Electromagnetic phenomena, Hall effect, magnetoresistance; methods to measure the magnetic properties
T-W-3Thermodynamics (laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamics functions, heat engines, refrigerators and heat pumps)
T-A-9Analysis of atomic spectrum and role of X-ray diffraction
T-A-7Defects in solid materials – case stydy based on carbon materials – Raman data analysis
T-W-14Magnetic susceptibility: Magnetic quantities and units, Curie–Weiss law, Ferro- and antiferro-magnetism
T-W-2Heat (internal energy, heat capacity and specific heat, phase transitions, thermal conduction, thermal convection, thermal radiation, phonos, heat transport in metals and isolators, calorimetry)
T-W-8Condensed matter structure: Symmetry; crystallographic structure types; Bragg’s equation; diffraction
T-A-2Thermodynamics (calculations related to I and II laws of thermodynamics; efficiency of an engine; determination of coefficients of performance for heat pumps and refrigerators)
T-L-3Determination of crystallographic structure type and lattice constant by X-ray diffraction
T-A-3Temperature (expressing temperature in different scales, calculation of thermal expansion of solids and liquids)
T-W-13Atomic nucleus, isotopes; - The phenomenon of nuclear precession in a magnetic field, Larmor precession; - Quantum and classical description of nuclear magnetic resonance; - Chemical shift, spin echo and relaxation times; - Characteristics of electromagnet; Experimental basics of NMR spectroscopy
T-A-6Calculation of band gap basing on experimental data, discussion
T-W-1Temperature (temperature and thermal equilibrium, temperature scales, thermal expansion of solids and liquids, Debye model of solids, Debye temperature, diffusion)
T-L-6Measurements of the dependence of magnetic permeability of ferromagnets on temperature
T-L-1X-rays diffraction in characterization of materials
T-W-4Difference between amorphous, semi-crystalline and crystalline solids, packing in crystalline solids
T-A-4Determination of structure factor
T-A-8Physical meaning of quantum numbers - analysis
Metody nauczaniaM-1lectures with presentation
M-2subject discussion during lectures, auditorium excercises and laboratories
Sposób ocenyS-3Ocena formująca: laboratory reports
S-1Ocena podsumowująca: written exam
Kryteria ocenyOcenaKryterium oceny
3,0from 50 to 55% of percentage points