Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

Wydział Technologii i Inżynierii Chemicznej - Materials Science and Engineering (S1)

Efekty uczenia się:

MSE_1A_U01being able to use the acquired knowledge related to the engineering of materials to formulate and solve comples and unusual engineering tasks with respect to: - proper selection of sources and information, assessment, critical analysis and synthesis of this information, - selection and application of appropriate methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques
MSE_1A_U02being able to use the learned mathematical apparatus to describe and analyze experimental data, basic physicochemical and technical issues
MSE_1A_U03being able to use the principles and methods of chemistry, biology, physics and materials engineering in planning and conducting experiments, is able to interpret and elaborate the results and draw conclusions
MSE_1A_U04can speak a foreign language (English) at B2 European level The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
MSE_1A_U05being able to use specialized computer software for designing, modelling and computer simulation of selected issues typical for the filed of study
MSE_1A_U06being able to perceive systemic and non-technical aspects, including environmental, economic and ethical aspects of implementing specific technical solutions, and knows the principles of accupational health and safety
MSE_1A_U07being able to reveal, characterize the structure and determine the basic properties of various materials
MSE_1A_U08being able to plan and execute processes of manufacturing of selected materials
MSE_1A_U09is able to critically analyze and elavuate existing technical solutions in the field of materials science and engineering
MSE_1A_U10is able to carry out an interdisciplinary design work
MSE_1A_U11can communicate using specialist terminology in the field of materials engineering and can take part in the debale - present, evaluate and discuss various opinions and positions
MSE_1A_U12is able to plan and organize work, both individually and as a team, and interact with other people as part of a team (also of an interdisciplinary nature)
MSE_1A_U13is able to plan and implement his/her own life-long learning