Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny w Szczecinie

Administracja Centralna Uczelni - Wymiana międzynarodowa (S1)

Sylabus przedmiotu Technology of Steel Structures:

Informacje podstawowe

Kierunek studiów Wymiana międzynarodowa
Forma studiów studia stacjonarne Poziom pierwszego stopnia
Tytuł zawodowy absolwenta
Obszary studiów
Przedmiot Technology of Steel Structures
Specjalność przedmiot wspólny
Jednostka prowadząca Katedra Teorii Konstrukcji
Nauczyciel odpowiedzialny Małgorzata Abramowicz <>
Inni nauczyciele Małgorzata Abramowicz <>, Wiesław Paczkowski <>, Agnieszka Pełka-Sawenko <>
ECTS (planowane) 3,0 ECTS (formy) 3,0
Forma zaliczenia zaliczenie Język angielski
Blok obieralny Grupa obieralna

Formy dydaktyczne

Forma dydaktycznaKODSemestrGodzinyECTSWagaZaliczenie
projektyP1 15 1,50,50zaliczenie
wykładyW1 15 1,50,50zaliczenie

Wymagania wstępne

KODWymaganie wstępne
W-2Strength of materials
W-3Structural mechanics
W-4Rules of design of steelwork
W-5Technical drawing

Cele przedmiotu

KODCel modułu/przedmiotu
C-1Familiarity with manufacture technology of complex structural steelwork; practical skill to design elementary parts of the vertical steel chimney for industry.

Treści programowe z podziałem na formy zajęć

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-P-1Design of chimney's. Calculation: static-durability of chimney’s parts, montage joints between segments and chimney-foundation connection. Calculation with the rul of Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 1, etc.15
T-W-1Introduction to steel’s role in construction industry: mild steel as a backbone of the industry, the world steel production, costs of construction works and steelwork costs, European system of steel grades notation3
T-W-2Chimney: classification, basic rules of shell design, foundation connection design, technology of execution.3
T-W-3Welding of structural steelwork: welding process and consumables, typical weld details, weld defects and quality control3
T-W-4Fabrication: form of contract and organization. Erection: design for erection3
T-W-5Corrosion protection: basic theory, paint and metal coatings. Fire protection: regulation requirements, properties of steel, protection of members3

Obciążenie pracą studenta - formy aktywności

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-P-1Participation in classes15
A-P-2Individual student work21
A-P-3Written tests1
A-W-1Participation in classes15
A-W-2The study of literature11
A-W-3Individual student work11

Metody nauczania / narzędzia dydaktyczne

KODMetoda nauczania / narzędzie dydaktyczne
M-1Information lecture
M-2Issue lecture
M-3Audio-visual presentation

Sposoby oceny

KODSposób oceny
S-1Ocena podsumowująca: Mark for the design
S-2Ocena podsumowująca: Written tests

Zamierzone efekty uczenia się - umiejętności

Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięOdniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiówOdniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształceniaCel przedmiotuTreści programoweMetody nauczaniaSposób oceny
As a result of the course the student will hold the knowledge of the organization and management of problems occurring in the implementation of steel structures, where based on the relevant standard is able to design industrial construction of the specified object (chimney) and the impact of typical technologies for its implementation.
C-1T-W-1, T-W-3, T-W-4M-1S-1

Kryterium oceny - umiejętności

Efekt uczenia sięOcenaKryterium oceny
As a result of the course the student will hold the knowledge of the organization and management of problems occurring in the implementation of steel structures, where based on the relevant standard is able to design industrial construction of the specified object (chimney) and the impact of typical technologies for its implementation.
3,0The student is able to use the gained knowledge to solve asigned problems.

Literatura podstawowa

  1. Eurocode 0 – Basis of structural design.
  2. Eurocode 1 – Actions on structures.
  3. Eurocode 3 – Design of steel structures.
  4. EN 13084-1:2007 Free-standing chimneys - Part 1: General requirements.
  5. EN 13084-7:2006 Free-standing chimneys - Part 7 Product specifications of cylindrical steel fabrications for use in single wall steel chimneys and steel liners.
  6. Owens G. W., Knowles P.R., Dowling P.J., Steel Designers' Manual, Blackwell, Scientific Publications, Cambridge, 2003
  7. Dowling P.J., Knowles P.R., Owens G.W, Structural Steel Design, Butterworths, London, 1988
  8. Gardner L., Nethercot D. A., Designers Guide to EN 1993-1-1 – Design of steel structres general rules and rules for buldings.

Treści programowe - projekty

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-P-1Design of chimney's. Calculation: static-durability of chimney’s parts, montage joints between segments and chimney-foundation connection. Calculation with the rul of Eurocode 3 and Eurocode 1, etc.15

Treści programowe - wykłady

KODTreść programowaGodziny
T-W-1Introduction to steel’s role in construction industry: mild steel as a backbone of the industry, the world steel production, costs of construction works and steelwork costs, European system of steel grades notation3
T-W-2Chimney: classification, basic rules of shell design, foundation connection design, technology of execution.3
T-W-3Welding of structural steelwork: welding process and consumables, typical weld details, weld defects and quality control3
T-W-4Fabrication: form of contract and organization. Erection: design for erection3
T-W-5Corrosion protection: basic theory, paint and metal coatings. Fire protection: regulation requirements, properties of steel, protection of members3

Formy aktywności - projekty

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-P-1Participation in classes15
A-P-2Individual student work21
A-P-3Written tests1
(*) 1 punkt ECTS, odpowiada około 30 godzinom aktywności studenta

Formy aktywności - wykłady

KODForma aktywnościGodziny
A-W-1Participation in classes15
A-W-2The study of literature11
A-W-3Individual student work11
(*) 1 punkt ECTS, odpowiada około 30 godzinom aktywności studenta
PoleKODZnaczenie kodu
Zamierzone efekty uczenia sięWM-WBiA_1-_??_U01As a result of the course the student will hold the knowledge of the organization and management of problems occurring in the implementation of steel structures, where based on the relevant standard is able to design industrial construction of the specified object (chimney) and the impact of typical technologies for its implementation.
Cel przedmiotuC-1Familiarity with manufacture technology of complex structural steelwork; practical skill to design elementary parts of the vertical steel chimney for industry.
Treści programoweT-W-1Introduction to steel’s role in construction industry: mild steel as a backbone of the industry, the world steel production, costs of construction works and steelwork costs, European system of steel grades notation
T-W-3Welding of structural steelwork: welding process and consumables, typical weld details, weld defects and quality control
T-W-4Fabrication: form of contract and organization. Erection: design for erection
Metody nauczaniaM-1Information lecture
Sposób ocenyS-1Ocena podsumowująca: Mark for the design
Kryteria ocenyOcenaKryterium oceny
3,0The student is able to use the gained knowledge to solve asigned problems.