Wydział Ekonomiczny - Economics 28.09.2023 transfer (S1)
Sylabus przedmiotu Real property law:
Informacje podstawowe
Kierunek studiów | Economics 28.09.2023 transfer | ||
Forma studiów | studia stacjonarne | Poziom | pierwszego stopnia |
Tytuł zawodowy absolwenta | licencjat | ||
Obszary studiów | charakterystyki PRK | ||
Profil | ogólnoakademicki | ||
Moduł | — | ||
Przedmiot | Real property law | ||
Specjalność | Property Valuation and Real Estate Transactions | ||
Jednostka prowadząca | Katedra Nieruchomości | ||
Nauczyciel odpowiedzialny | Małgorzata Blaszke <Malgorzata.Blaszke@zut.edu.pl> | ||
Inni nauczyciele | |||
ECTS (planowane) | 4,0 | ECTS (formy) | 4,0 |
Forma zaliczenia | egzamin | Język | polski |
Blok obieralny | — | Grupa obieralna | — |
Formy dydaktyczne
Wymagania wstępne
KOD | Wymaganie wstępne |
W-1 | The student should have knowledge of basic concepts and legal institutions as well as legal principles, as well as the system of government and self-government bodies. |
Cele przedmiotu
KOD | Cel modułu/przedmiotu |
C-1 | To acquaint students with the essence of the concept of real estate and its types. |
C-2 | Explanation of the concept of ownership of real estate and presentation of its limitations; |
C-3 | Discussing methods of acquiring real estate; |
C-4 | Discussing ownership transfer agreements; |
C-5 | To acquaint students with the essence of property rights; |
C-6 | Presentation of basic concepts in the field of housing co-operatives; |
C-7 | Presentation of basic issues related to family and inheritance law; |
C-8 | Presentation of basic issues in the field of personal data protection; |
C-9 | Discussion of the Public Procurement Law. |
Treści programowe z podziałem na formy zajęć
KOD | Treść programowa | Godziny |
konwersatoria | ||
T-K-1 | Selected issues in the field of family and inheritance law: - matrimonial property regimes; - management of the joint property of the spouses; - parental management of the child's property; - spouse's liability for debts; - premises for the inheritance of real estate | 5 |
T-K-2 | Personal data protection: - basic concepts related to the protection of personal data; - data protection authority; - rules for the processing of personal data | 5 |
T-K-3 | Public procurement: - basic concepts in the field of public procurement; - subjective scope of the Public Procurement Law; - exclusions and limitations on the application of the Act; - rules for awarding public contracts; - procedures for awarding public contracts | 5 |
T-K-4 | Property as a category of civil law (concept of property rights, examples of property rights on real estate) | 3 |
T-K-5 | State, local government and private property; the genesis of property relations in Poland | 3 |
T-K-6 | the concept of moving and immovable things | 2 |
T-K-7 | Definition of real estate (types of real estate, land and mortgage register, concept of real estate components, the concept of affiliation and benefits) | 2 |
T-K-8 | Ownership (definitions, protection, joint ownership) | 2 |
T-K-9 | Perpetual usufruct | 2 |
T-K-10 | limited property rights | 2 |
T-K-11 | Acquisition of real estate by foreigners | 2 |
T-K-12 | Separate ownership of premises and cooperative ownership right to the premises | 2 |
T-K-13 | The right of pre-emption, repurchase, buy-out and priority of acquisition | 3 |
T-K-14 | Sales agreement | 2 |
T-K-15 | Lending agreement | 2 |
T-K-16 | Demise | 2 |
T-K-17 | Renting and leasing | 1 |
T-K-18 | Leasing | 1 |
T-K-19 | perpetuity | 1 |
T-K-20 | Developer agreements | 1 |
T-K-21 | Timesharing | 1 |
T-K-22 | Switching contract | 1 |
50 |
Obciążenie pracą studenta - formy aktywności
KOD | Forma aktywności | Godziny |
konwersatoria | ||
A-K-1 | Participation in classes | 50 |
A-K-2 | Analysis of materials related to the implementation of material from the exercises | 10 |
A-K-3 | Solving case studies | 10 |
A-K-4 | Student presentations and work | 10 |
A-K-5 | Preparation for the exam | 9 |
A-K-6 | Solving case studies | 9 |
A-K-7 | Exam | 2 |
100 |
Metody nauczania / narzędzia dydaktyczne
KOD | Metoda nauczania / narzędzie dydaktyczne |
M-1 | Lectures with the use of a multimedia presentation; |
M-2 | Solving case studies; |
M-3 | Student presentations and work; |
Sposoby oceny
KOD | Sposób oceny |
S-1 | Ocena formująca: Assessment of activity in the classroom; |
S-2 | Ocena formująca: Evaluation of the correctness of the kazusów solution; |
S-3 | Ocena formująca: Assessment of student presentations and work; |
S-4 | Ocena podsumowująca: Exam in the form of a test |
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia - wiedza
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia | Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiów | Odniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształcenia | Cel przedmiotu | Treści programowe | Metody nauczania | Sposób oceny |
Ec_1A_D7/03_W01 Has basic knowledge in the field of property law. | Ec_1A_W01, Ec_1A_W03, Ec_1A_W04, Ec_1A_W06 | — | C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, C-6 | T-K-8, T-K-9, T-K-10 | M-1, M-2 | S-1, S-2, S-4 |
Ec_1A_D7/03_W02 Has elementary knowledge of family and inheritance law; | Ec_1A_W01, Ec_1A_W04, Ec_1A_W05, Ec_1A_W02 | — | C-7 | T-K-1 | M-1, M-2 | S-1, S-2, S-4 |
Ec_1A_D7/03_W03 He knows the basic issues in the field of personal data protection; | Ec_1A_W01, Ec_1A_W03, Ec_1A_W04, Ec_1A_W02 | — | C-8 | T-K-2 | M-1, M-3 | S-1, S-3, S-4 |
Ec_1A_D7/03_W04 He knows the basic issues in the field of public procurement; | Ec_1A_W01, Ec_1A_W03, Ec_1A_W04, Ec_1A_W02 | — | C-9 | T-K-3 | M-1, M-3 | S-1, S-3, S-4 |
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia - umiejętności
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia | Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiów | Odniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształcenia | Cel przedmiotu | Treści programowe | Metody nauczania | Sposób oceny |
Ec_1A_D7/03_U01 Able to use acquired scientific knowledge to interpret socio-economic phenomena. | Ec_1A_U21, Ec_1A_U03, Ec_1A_U02, Ec_1A_U01, Ec_1A_U04 | — | C-1, C-7, C-2, C-3, C-8, C-4, C-9, C-6, C-5 | T-K-22, T-K-11, T-K-5, T-K-6, T-K-20, T-K-18, T-K-15, T-K-4, T-K-10, T-K-13, T-K-14, T-K-1, T-K-21, T-K-19, T-K-8, T-K-12, T-K-17, T-K-3, T-K-7, T-K-9, T-K-2, T-K-16 | M-3, M-1, M-2 | S-3 |
Ec_1A_D7/03_U02 Knows how to organise his/her own and the team's work. | Ec_1A_U03 | — | C-7, C-2, C-1, C-9, C-8, C-5, C-4, C-3, C-6 | T-K-8, T-K-16, T-K-12, T-K-2, T-K-4, T-K-5, T-K-18, T-K-1, T-K-21, T-K-3, T-K-6, T-K-13, T-K-20, T-K-10, T-K-7, T-K-11, T-K-17, T-K-22, T-K-15, T-K-14, T-K-19, T-K-9 | M-2, M-3 | S-1 |
Ec_1A_D7/03_U03 Correctly uses legal and organisational norms and rules to solve a specific task in economics. | Ec_1A_U01, Ec_1A_U02, Ec_1A_U03, Ec_1A_U04, Ec_1A_U05 | — | C-8, C-9, C-6, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, C-1, C-7 | T-K-8, T-K-4, T-K-13, T-K-2, T-K-10, T-K-20, T-K-1, T-K-15, T-K-6, T-K-7, T-K-11, T-K-17, T-K-9, T-K-3, T-K-18, T-K-14, T-K-19, T-K-21, T-K-22, T-K-12, T-K-5, T-K-16 | M-3, M-2 | S-3, S-1, S-2 |
Ec_1A_D7/03_U04 Uses the acquired knowledge to resolve dilemmas that arise in professional work. | Ec_1A_U01, Ec_1A_U04, Ec_1A_U05 | — | C-9, C-7, C-6 | T-K-2, T-K-5, T-K-10, T-K-15, T-K-11, T-K-3, T-K-20, T-K-4, T-K-16, T-K-19, T-K-9, T-K-1, T-K-21, T-K-18, T-K-8, T-K-12, T-K-22, T-K-6, T-K-13, T-K-17, T-K-7, T-K-14 | M-2, M-3 | S-1 |
Ec_1A_D7/03_U05 It analyses indicated solutions to specific problems and proposes appropriate solutions. | Ec_1A_U01, Ec_1A_U02, Ec_1A_U04 | — | C-5, C-8, C-6, C-1, C-2, C-9, C-3, C-4, C-7 | T-K-3, T-K-2, T-K-1, T-K-10, T-K-16, T-K-17, T-K-13, T-K-22, T-K-9, T-K-12, T-K-14, T-K-18, T-K-5, T-K-20, T-K-21, T-K-4, T-K-6, T-K-15, T-K-19, T-K-8, T-K-11, T-K-7 | M-2, M-3 | S-2, S-1, S-3 |
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia - inne kompetencje społeczne i personalne
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia | Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiów | Odniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształcenia | Cel przedmiotu | Treści programowe | Metody nauczania | Sposób oceny |
Ec_1A_D7/03_K01 The graduate is prepared to learn throughout life. | Ec_1A_K05 | — | C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-5, C-6, C-7, C-8, C-9 | T-K-9, T-K-11, T-K-10, T-K-12, T-K-13 | M-2, M-3 | S-1, S-2, S-3 |
Kryterium oceny - wiedza
Efekt kształcenia | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
Ec_1A_D7/03_W01 Has basic knowledge in the field of property law. | 2,0 | The student does not have basic knowledge in the field of property law. |
3,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of property law to a sufficient degree. | |
3,5 | The student has basic knowledge in the field of property law to a degree greater than sufficient | |
4,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of property law in a good degree. | |
4,5 | The student has a basic knowledge of property law to a greater degree than good. | |
5,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of property law to a very good degree. | |
Ec_1A_D7/03_W02 Has elementary knowledge of family and inheritance law; | 2,0 | The student does not have basic knowledge in the field of family and inheritance law. |
3,0 | The student has basic knowledge in the field of family and inheritance law. | |
3,5 | The student has a basic knowledge of family and inheritance law to a degree greater than sufficient. | |
4,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of family and inheritance law to a good degree. | |
4,5 | The student has a basic knowledge of family and inheritance law to a greater extent than good. | |
5,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of family and inheritance law to a very good degree. | |
Ec_1A_D7/03_W03 He knows the basic issues in the field of personal data protection; | 2,0 | The student does not have basic knowledge in the field of personal data protection. |
3,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of the protection of personal data. | |
3,5 | The student has a basic knowledge of the protection of personal data to a degree greater than sufficient. | |
4,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of the protection of personal data to a good degree. | |
4,5 | The student has a basic knowledge of the protection of personal data to a greater than good level. | |
5,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of personal data protection to a very good degree. | |
Ec_1A_D7/03_W04 He knows the basic issues in the field of public procurement; | 2,0 | The student does not have basic knowledge in the field of public procurement. |
3,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of public procurement. | |
3,5 | The student has a basic knowledge of public procurement to a degree greater than sufficient. | |
4,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of public procurement in a good degree. | |
4,5 | The student has a basic knowledge of public procurement to a greater than good level. | |
5,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of public procurement to a very good degree. |
Kryterium oceny - umiejętności
Efekt kształcenia | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
Ec_1A_D7/03_U01 Able to use acquired scientific knowledge to interpret socio-economic phenomena. | 2,0 | |
3,0 | Students will be able to use the acquired scientific knowledge to interpret socio-economic phenomena. | |
3,5 | ||
4,0 | ||
4,5 | ||
5,0 | ||
Ec_1A_D7/03_U02 Knows how to organise his/her own and the team's work. | 2,0 | |
3,0 | The student is able to organise his own work and that of the team to which he belongs to a sufficient extent. | |
3,5 | ||
4,0 | ||
4,5 | ||
5,0 | ||
Ec_1A_D7/03_U03 Correctly uses legal and organisational norms and rules to solve a specific task in economics. | 2,0 | |
3,0 | The student uses social and economic norms and rules in order to solve tasks in economics. | |
3,5 | ||
4,0 | ||
4,5 | ||
5,0 | ||
Ec_1A_D7/03_U04 Uses the acquired knowledge to resolve dilemmas that arise in professional work. | 2,0 | |
3,0 | Student is able to use the acquired knowledge to solve dilemmas arising in professional work. | |
3,5 | ||
4,0 | ||
4,5 | ||
5,0 | ||
Ec_1A_D7/03_U05 It analyses indicated solutions to specific problems and proposes appropriate solutions. | 2,0 | |
3,0 | The student is able to analyse indicated solutions of concrete problems and to propose appropriate solutions in this respect to a sufficient extent. | |
3,5 | ||
4,0 | ||
4,5 | ||
5,0 |
Kryterium oceny - inne kompetencje społeczne i personalne
Efekt kształcenia | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
Ec_1A_D7/03_K01 The graduate is prepared to learn throughout life. | 2,0 | The graduate is not prepared for learning throughout life |
3,0 | A graduate is sufficiently prepared to learn throughout life | |
3,5 | A graduate to a degree greater than sufficient is prepared for learning throughout life | |
4,0 | The graduate is well prepared for lifelong learning | |
4,5 | A graduate who is more than good is ready to learn throughout life | |
5,0 | The graduate is very good at preparing for lifelong learning |
Literatura podstawowa
- Smirniotopoulos Peter E., Real Estate Law, Taylor & Francis, 2016
- Bieniek G., Rudnicki S., Real Estate. Legal issues (Polish language version), Lexis Nexis, Warszawa, 2010
- Strzelczyk R., Real estate law (Polish language version), CH Beck, Warszawa, 2010