Wydział Ekonomiczny - Economics 28.09.2023 transfer (S1)
specjalność: Property Valuation and Real Estate Transactions
Sylabus przedmiotu Enterprise Finances:
Informacje podstawowe
Kierunek studiów | Economics 28.09.2023 transfer | ||
Forma studiów | studia stacjonarne | Poziom | pierwszego stopnia |
Tytuł zawodowy absolwenta | licencjat | ||
Obszary studiów | charakterystyki PRK | ||
Profil | ogólnoakademicki | ||
Moduł | — | ||
Przedmiot | Enterprise Finances | ||
Specjalność | Accounting and Finance in Economic Entities | ||
Jednostka prowadząca | Katedra Analizy Systemowej i Marketingu | ||
Nauczyciel odpowiedzialny | Dawid Dawidowicz <Dawid.Dawidowicz@zut.edu.pl> | ||
Inni nauczyciele | |||
ECTS (planowane) | 4,0 | ECTS (formy) | 4,0 |
Forma zaliczenia | egzamin | Język | polski |
Blok obieralny | — | Grupa obieralna | — |
Formy dydaktyczne
Wymagania wstępne
KOD | Wymaganie wstępne |
W-1 | Knowledge of microeconomics. |
W-2 | Knowledge of macroeconomics. |
W-3 | Knowledge of the basics of accounting. |
W-4 | Knowledge of finances and banking. |
Cele przedmiotu
KOD | Cel modułu/przedmiotu |
C-1 | After completing the course, the student should have the ability to make decisions regarding the risk of the company's operations and its environment. |
C-2 | The student should have knowledge about the components and assets of the company. |
C-3 | The student should have knowledge about acquiring the sources of financing necessary to run the business. |
C-4 | The student should have the ability to make a basic financial analysis of the company. |
C-5 | The student is aware of his knowledge and the necessity of learning throughout life. |
Treści programowe z podziałem na formy zajęć
KOD | Treść programowa | Godziny |
ćwiczenia audytoryjne | ||
T-A-1 | Assessment of the financial condition of the company. | 6 |
T-A-2 | The cost and structure of the capital. | 2 |
T-A-3 | Working capital management in the enterprise. | 4 |
T-A-4 | Enterprise receivables management | 3 |
T-A-5 | Assessing the symptoms of enterprise bankruptcy risk. | 3 |
T-A-6 | Pass a subject | 2 |
20 | ||
wykłady | ||
T-W-1 | The essence of corporate finance. | 3 |
T-W-2 | Organizational and legal forms of enterprises and their transformations. | 3 |
T-W-3 | Object of the company's activity and it's functions. | 3 |
T-W-4 | Financial statements as a source of information about the company. | 4 |
T-W-5 | Sources of enterprise financing. Capital in the enterprise and its changes. | 4 |
T-W-6 | Company's fixed assets. | 3 |
T-W-7 | Current assets of the enterprise. | 3 |
T-W-8 | Enterprise and market. The structure of the market and its impact on the company's operations. | 3 |
T-W-9 | Cooperation of the enterprise with other economic entities. | 2 |
T-W-10 | Enterprise and the state. Local government units and social organizations. | 2 |
30 |
Obciążenie pracą studenta - formy aktywności
KOD | Forma aktywności | Godziny |
ćwiczenia audytoryjne | ||
A-A-1 | Preparing for the classes. | 10 |
A-A-2 | Participation in auditorium exercises. | 20 |
A-A-3 | Solving tasks. | 8 |
A-A-4 | Preparing to pass. | 12 |
50 | ||
wykłady | ||
A-W-1 | Reading the indicated literature. | 6 |
A-W-2 | Participation in the classes and in exam. | 30 |
A-W-3 | Preparing to the exam | 12 |
A-W-4 | Exam | 2 |
50 |
Metody nauczania / narzędzia dydaktyczne
KOD | Metoda nauczania / narzędzie dydaktyczne |
M-1 | Information classes. |
M-2 | Case method. |
M-3 | Multimedia classes. |
M-4 | Project method. |
Sposoby oceny
KOD | Sposób oceny |
S-1 | Ocena podsumowująca: Presentation of the project in the field of assessing the financial and property situation of the selected enterprise |
S-2 | Ocena podsumowująca: Test, written or oral exam |
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia - wiedza
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia | Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiów | Odniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształcenia | Cel przedmiotu | Treści programowe | Metody nauczania | Sposób oceny |
Ec_1A_D6/04_W01 The student has knowledge about managing the assets of the company. | Ec_1A_W15, Ec_1A_W12 | — | C-2 | T-A-1, T-A-3, T-A-4, T-W-4, T-W-6, T-W-3, T-W-7, T-A-6 | M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 | S-1, S-2 |
Ec_1A_D6/04_W02 The student has knowledge about the shape of the capital structure in the company. | Ec_1A_W11, Ec_1A_W12 | — | C-3 | T-A-2, T-A-4, T-W-4, T-W-5, T-W-3 | M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 | S-1, S-2 |
Ec_1A_D6/04_W03 The student has knowledge about identifying threats in the company's operations. | Ec_1A_W15, Ec_1A_W08 | — | C-1 | T-A-5, T-W-5, T-W-6, T-W-7, T-W-8, T-W-9, T-W-10 | M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 | S-1, S-2 |
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia - umiejętności
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia | Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiów | Odniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształcenia | Cel przedmiotu | Treści programowe | Metody nauczania | Sposób oceny |
Ec_1A_D6/04_U01 The student has the ability to assess the operating conditions of the company. | Ec_1A_U04, Ec_1A_U21, Ec_1A_U18 | — | C-1 | T-A-4, T-A-5, T-W-1, T-W-2, T-W-3, T-W-8, T-W-9, T-W-10 | M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 | S-1, S-2 |
Ec_1A_D6/04_U02 The student has the ability to analyze the financial situation of the enterprise based on data from financial statements. | Ec_1A_U04, Ec_1A_U06, Ec_1A_U14 | — | C-4 | T-A-1, T-A-2, T-A-3, T-W-4, T-W-5, T-W-6, T-W-7, T-W-8 | M-1, M-2, M-3, M-4 | S-1, S-2 |
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia - inne kompetencje społeczne i personalne
Zamierzone efekty kształcenia | Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiów | Odniesienie do efektów zdefiniowanych dla obszaru kształcenia | Cel przedmiotu | Treści programowe | Metody nauczania | Sposób oceny |
Ec_1A_D6/04_K01 The student is aware of his knowledge and the necessity of learning throughout life. | Ec_1A_K02, Ec_1A_K01 | — | C-5 | T-A-1, T-A-2, T-A-4, T-A-5, T-W-1 | M-1, M-4 | S-1, S-2 |
Kryterium oceny - wiedza
Efekt kształcenia | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
Ec_1A_D6/04_W01 The student has knowledge about managing the assets of the company. | 2,0 | The student has no knowledge about the assets of the company or about how to manage them. |
3,0 | The student has knowledge about particular types of assets in the enterprise and their importance for the company's operations. | |
3,5 | The student has knowledge about particular types of property in the enterprise and their significance for the company's operations, their place in the financial statement. | |
4,0 | The student has knowledge about particular types of property in the company, knows the theoretical basis for managing them, determining their importance for the company's operations and their place in the financial statement. | |
4,5 | The student has knowledge of managing the assets of the company, knows the theoretical basis for the assessment of investment projects through the prism of the property structure. | |
5,0 | The student has in-depth knowledge of managing the assets of the company. | |
Ec_1A_D6/04_W02 The student has knowledge about the shape of the capital structure in the company. | 2,0 | The student has no knowledge about the structure of capital. |
3,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of the capital structure in the company and its importance for the company's operations. | |
3,5 | The student has a basic knowledge of the capital structure in the company and its significance for the company's operations, its place in the financial statement. | |
4,0 | The student has knowledge of the capital structure in the company, knows the theoretical basis of capital structure management and its importance for the company's operations and its place in the financial statements. | |
4,5 | The student has knowledge of the enterprise capital structure management, knows the theoretical basis for the assessment of investment projects through the prism of the capital structure. | |
5,0 | The student has in-depth knowledge in the field of enterprise capital structure management. | |
Ec_1A_D6/04_W03 The student has knowledge about identifying threats in the company's operations. | 2,0 | The student does not have knowledge about identifying threats in the company's operations. |
3,0 | The student has a basic knowledge of identifying threats in the company's operations through the prism of capital and property. | |
3,5 | The student has a basic knowledge of the identification of threats in the company's operations through the prism of capital and assets and the operational activity of the company. | |
4,0 | The student has a good knowledge of the identification of threats in the company's operations through the prism of capital and assets as well as the operational activity of the company. | |
4,5 | The student has a good knowledge about the identification of hazards in the company's operations through the prism of capital and property, symptoms of the risk of bankruptcy. | |
5,0 | The student has a broad knowledge of the identification of hazards in the operation of the enterprise through the prism of capital and property, symptoms of the risk of bankruptcy. |
Kryterium oceny - umiejętności
Efekt kształcenia | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
Ec_1A_D6/04_U01 The student has the ability to assess the operating conditions of the company. | 2,0 | The student does not have the skills to assess the operating conditions of the company. |
3,0 | The student has basic skills in the assessment of investment projects, asset-capital situation of the enterprise. | |
3,5 | The student has good skills in the field of assessment of investment projects, asset and capital situation of the enterprise. | |
4,0 | The student has good skills on the assessment of the operating conditions of the company. | |
4,5 | The student has good skills on the assessment of the operating conditions of the company, is able to draw conclusions from information about the environment of the further and closer to the enterprise. | |
5,0 | The student has very good skills on the assessment of the conditions of the company's operation, is able to draw conclusions from information about the environment of the distant and closer enterprise. | |
Ec_1A_D6/04_U02 The student has the ability to analyze the financial situation of the enterprise based on data from financial statements. | 2,0 | The student does not have the skills to analyze the financial situation of the company. |
3,0 | The student has basic skills in the field of financial analysis of the company based on the most important rules and financial indicators. | |
3,5 | The student has good skills in the field of financial analysis of the company based on financial rules and indicators. | |
4,0 | The student has good skills in the analysis of the financial situation of the company based on data from financial statements. | |
4,5 | The student has good skills in the analysis of the financial situation of the enterprise based on data from financial statements, as well as the assessment of the financial situation of the further and near surroundings. | |
5,0 | The student has very good skills in the analysis of the financial situation of the company based on data from financial statements, as well as the assessment of the financial situation of the further and closer environment. |
Kryterium oceny - inne kompetencje społeczne i personalne
Efekt kształcenia | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
Ec_1A_D6/04_K01 The student is aware of his knowledge and the necessity of learning throughout life. | 2,0 | The student does not understand the need to deepen knowledge about the financial market. |
3,0 | The student is aware of his knowledge and understands the need to constantly increase her/his knowledge in the future. | |
3,5 | ||
4,0 | ||
4,5 | ||
5,0 |
Literatura podstawowa
- Richard A. Brealey, Principles of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill, 2008, 9th Edition
- Stephen Ross, Randolph Westerfield, Bradford Jordan, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill Education, 2012, 10 edition
- W. Bień, Zarządzanie finansami przedsiębiorstwa, Difin, Warszawa, 2005
- pod red. J. Szczepański, L. Szyszko, Finannse przedsiębiorstwa, PWE, Warszawa, 2007
- W. Dębski, Teoretyczne i praktyczne aspekty zarządzania finansami przedsiębiorstwa, PWN, Warszawa, 2005
- M. Ciołek, Finanse przedsiębiorstw w zadaniach i przykładach, CeDeWu, Warszawa, 2010
- A. Uziębło, M. Kalinowski, Finanse przedsiębiorstw i finanse publioczne. Wybrane aspekty, CeDeWu, Warszawa, 2010
Literatura dodatkowa
- A. Duliniec, Finansowanie przedsiębiorstwa, PWE, Warszawa, 2010
- J. Grzywacz, Kapitał w przedsiębiorstwie i jego struktura, SGH, Warszawa, 2008
- M. Sierpińska, T. Jachna, Ocena przedsiębiorstwa według standardów światowych, PWN, Warszawa, 2009
- J. Gajdka, E. Walińska, Zarządzanie finansowe, FRR, Warszawa, 2001
- pod red. J. Fryc, J. Jaworski, Współczesne przedsiębiorstwo. Zasobowe czynniki sukcesu w konkurencyjnym otoczeniu, WSB, Gdańsk, 2009
- M. Hamrol, Analiza przedsiębiorstwa - ujęcie sytuacyjne, AE w Poznaniu, Poznań, 2005