Zamierzone efekty uczenia się | B-A_2A_A/A/06d_U01 | Has the ability to obtain information from literature, formulate hypotheses and prepare and report solutions for the diploma thesis as well as obtain software supporting the organization of the construction process |
Odniesienie do efektów kształcenia dla kierunku studiów | CE_2A_U27 | Understands a need of lifelong learning |
B-A_2A_U18 | Is able to assess the usefulness of methods and tools used for solving engineering tasks characteristic for the specialisation studied |
B-A_2A_U19 | Is able to select, for solving of an engineering task, methods, techniques and tools (analytic or numerical ones), adjust the existing tools and develop new ones |
B-A_2A_U01 | Is able to obtain information from literature, data bases and other properly selected sources, also in a foreign language; is able to integrate the obtained information, interpret it and evaluate it critically as well as draw conclusions, formulate and sufficiently justify opinions |
B-A_2A_U02 | Is able to communicate with the use of various techniques with professionals and others, also in a foreign language |
B-A_2A_U03 | Is able to prepare a scientific study in Polish and a short scientific report in a foreign language presenting the results of his/her own scientific research |
B-A_2A_U04 | Is able to prepare and present, in Polish and a foreign language, an oral presentation concerning detailed issues within the scope of the specialisation studied |
B-A_2A_U05 | Is able to determine the directions of further learning and carry out the process of self-education |
B-A_2A_U09 | Is able to, depending on the research problem, formulate assumptions concerning the experiments, including measurements and numerical simulations, plan and conduct research, interpret the obtained results and draw conclusions |
B-A_2A_U11 | While formulating and solving engineering tasks, is able to integrate knowledge within the scope of the fields of science and the scientific disciplines related to civil engineering and use a systemic approach, also including non-technical aspects |
B-A_2A_U12 | Is able to formulate and test hypotheses connected with engineering problems and simple research problems |
B-A_2A_U22 | Is able to design, in accordance with a predefined specification including also non-technical aspects, a complex building structure or technological process appropriate for the specialisation studied and specify, at least in part, the manner of its accomplishment, using appropriate methods, techniques and tools |
Cel przedmiotu | C-1 | Learning the principles of writing plans and the content of diploma theses in the field of soil mechanics |
C-2 | Acquisition of the ability to prepare presentations in the thesis of the MA thesis |
Treści programowe | T-SD-1 | Basic knowledge about the preparation of the master thesis in relation to issues of soil mechanics |
T-SD-2 | Discussing editorial rules and the structure of the diploma thesis |
T-SD-3 | Catalog methods for organizing the collected materials for the diploma thesis, selection of sources, creating notes, list of literature |
T-SD-4 | Presentation by selected students of topics expanding knowledge of soil mechanics |
T-SD-5 | Presentation by the students of the realized parts of the Master's thesis, discussions related to the subject of the presented theses |
T-SD-6 | Preparation for printing and defense of thesis diploma thesis. Discussion of the rules regarding detailed editorial requirements, how to provide content and how to present the work |
Metody nauczania | M-1 | Information Lecture |
M-2 | Case Study Lecture |
M-3 | Practical methods- presentation |
Sposób oceny | S-2 | Ocena podsumowująca: Final presentation rating |
Kryteria oceny | Ocena | Kryterium oceny |
2,0 | |
3,0 | The student has the ability to prepare the master's thesis on a sufficiently independent basis |
3,5 | |
4,0 | |
4,5 | |
5,0 | |